Mentors Who Changed My Life – Hugh Kirby

Other than my parents, no one had a more profound impact on my life than Hugh Kirby.

He was my youth pastor my junior and senior year in High School. He was a massive man with a gentle spirit. He took me under his wing and said the most powerful 4 words a young man can ever hear :: “I believe in you.”

He made me a part of his life and family. He was discipling me before I knew what that term even meant.

And I watched him. I watched him lead, love his wife and kids, work-out, pray, be in the pain with struggling parents.

Even as a high school student he was giving me challenging opportunities to use my gifts to serve Jesus. By the time I was 19 or 20 he was throwing me up on a stage to teach 100’s of high school students. His willingness to allow me to preach so early catapulted me into my calling and purpose. His willingness to hand off leadership to young men like me have led to dozens maybe hundreds of men like me serving the kingdom of Jesus today. His impact is exponential.

I think the 3 most important things he taught me were:

  1. How to have a devotional time with God everyday.
  2. To pray and persevere.
  3. To believe in young men and give them stretching challenges.

I honestly can’t remember one sermon he preached. But the sermon he preached with his life forever altered me.

It stamped me. Tattooed me with a distinct perspectives and habits that have shaped me, my family, and ministry.

2 Timothy 2:2 – and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

No one I know more exemplifies this verse than Hugh Kirby.

Words could never express my gratefulness for what you and Mary Lynn invested in Amy and I.  My world changed that day on that little bus on the way to that little mission project when you tapped me on the shoulder and said “Come on, follow me, I’ll use you and abuse you.” I never dreamed that small, funny invitation would lead to the great adventure my life has become.

Love to my friend and spiritual father.

1 thought on “Mentors Who Changed My Life – Hugh Kirby

  1. hugh kirby

    Thanks for the kind words Scottybo. You know we love ya’ll so much and count it a privilege to work alongside you and Amy in building God’s Kingdom. You really know it is all about Jesus…………


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